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Proceedings of HTS 2020 The proceedings of the 2-page digests are available here: https://hal.univ-lorraine.fr/HTS2020/ HTS 2020 will be held online in June 2021 As you know, the global situation related to the pandemic is still worrisome, especially because of the presence of variants of COVID-19, despite a vaccination campaign that has already started in most countries. This situation does not allow us to organize a face-to-face HTS 2020 workshop this year and I deplore this as much as you do. However, in order for us to discuss, exchange and share our recent work in the different topics that form the backbone of the workshop, it seems important to us that the HTS 2020 workshop take place this year, virtually as you will have understood. The HTS 2020 workshop is scheduled to be held online on June 22nd and 23rd, 2021. Finally, I am well aware that the exchanges that we will have during this virtual workshop will be less numerous and less intense than those we would have had in person. Therefore, I woud like to inform you today that the organizing committee plans to welcome you in June 2022 in Nancy for a new edition of the International Workshop on Numerical Modelling of HTS, hoping that COVID-19 will be behind us... HTS 2020 Homepage The research and development of modelling tools and approaches is a fundamental subject in applied superconductivity. High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) materials raise complex challenges in the design and prediction of devices behaviour due to their thermal and electromagnetic dependencies and non-linearities, hysteresis, anisotropy, high wire aspect ratio and interaction with other functional materials. For this new edition, the topics of the workshop are split into three main categories:
The UniGR HTS Modelling Workshop aims to bring together researchers specializing in physics, mathematics, and electrical engineering applied to new and existing computational methods, the development of modeling tools, the advanced use of simulation software and the design of superconductivity applications in the industrial environment. The workshop format facilitates discussion among researchers, which is necessary to achieve their objectives. Organizing Committee Chair: Kévin Berger [GREEN, Université de Lorraine – France] Contact: htsmod2020@sciencesconf.org We would like to acknowledge the support of HTS 2020 postponed to 2021 Sadly, we have to announce the postponement of the HTS 2020 workshop to the next year. Indeed, the organization of the virtual ASC 2020 conference at the same time as our workshop complicates both the organization of the workshop and compromises your participation, even in the case of a virtual HTS 2020 workshop. We expect to host the 7th Workshop on Numerical Modelling of HTS in June 2021. If possible, one week after the 3rd International School on Numerical Modelling for Applied Superconductivity, which will take place in Lausanne. For your convenience, registrations already paid for will be kept and transferred in 2021. Submitted and accepted abstracts will also be stored. However, if you wish, you may withdraw your abstract and submit another one next year, it will then be reviewed again. COVID-19 - The workshop has been postponed Dear attendees of HTS 2020, Given the current situation related to COVID-19 and in particular the confinement and restrictions around the world, I would like to announce the postponement of the HTS 2020 workshop. In accordance with the results of the survey sent to those who submitted a 2-page digest, the workshop has been postponed to October 27-30, 2020. I deeply regret having to make this decision, but the earlier people are informed, the more opportunities they have to change their travel plans. Of course, we will make all the necessary arrangements to refund or transfer your registration fees if you cannot participate on the new date. I am aware that nothing will ever be the same again and I am trying to take the necessary decisions to ensure that this event remains a success! Best regards, Dr. Kévin Berger Survey results:Is the period convenient for you? |
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