
Comparison of screening current simulation modellings of REBCO pancake coils
So Noguchi  1, *@  , Seungyong Hahn  2@  
1 : Hokkaido University of Science
7-Jo 15-4-1 Maeda, Teine, Sapporo, Hokkaido -  Japan
2 : Seoul National University
* : Corresponding author

An irregular magnetic field generated by screening current in rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) coated conductor is undesired, when REBCO magnets are applied to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), particle accelerators. The screening current-induced fields (SCIF) have been evaluated in not only experiments but simulations. A few numerical methods have been proposed for screening current simulation. Since these methods have different characteristics, they are compared. Furthermore, a new screening current simulation model, named “ladder equiv- alent circuit model,” is proposed.

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