Mitigation of shielding-current-induced field of a dipole magnet wound with coated conductors during pattern-operation and evaluation of beam orbit
1 : Kyoto University [Kyoto]
* : Corresponding author
Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture 606-8501 -
We have been developing large-scale electromagnetic field analysis model of magnets composed of coated conductors to predict their field quality. We applied the model to a dipole magnet wound with coated conductors and calculated shielding-current-induced field during pattern-operation. Moreover, to mitigate the influence of the shielding-current-induced field on the field quality of the dipole magnet, we suggested two solutions: current control for dipole component and combination of the dipole magnet and corrections coils for sextupole component. Also, we conducted beam orbit simulations and particle distribution estimation with/without the mitigation methods.
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